Story 001は植物性のヴィーガンレザーを使ったバッグが始まります。 メキシコで大量に存在するサボテンが長い研究によって上質なサボテンレザーになり、多くの人の努力と物語を経て2型のバッグを完成させましたATOFでは多くの方にファッションを楽しんでの選択肢を増やしていけるようにしてまいります。
001 is the story of a bag made of vegetable-based vegan leather. The cactus, which is found in large quantities in Mexico, was made into high-quality cactus leather after long research, and through the efforts and stories of many people, two types of bags were completed. At ATOF, we are committed to provide more choices in fashion to enjoy.
メキシコの第二の都市Guadalajaraに拠点を置くADRIANO DI MARTI (Adrian and Marte)社は2年の研究の末にサボテンレザー「Desserto(デセルト)」を開発しました。
After two years of research, the company ADRIANO DI MARTI (Adrian and Marte), based in Guadalajara, Mexico's second largest city, has developed a cactus leather called Desserto. This vegan leather is based on organically grown cactus and plant-derived biopolyurethane. Cactus is harvested and carefully washed to remove the thorns. It is ground and dried in the sun for three days, then finely ground into a powder. Processed by patented technology, it is transformed into vegan leather. Cactus farms do not use herbicides, pesticides, or other chemicals, and the nopal cactus they only require a little water during its growth process. Furthermore, cactus is a carbon sink and is an environmentally friendly plant that is said to absorb 8,100 tons of CO₂ per year at its production farms.
The cactus leather used for our bag has a very high quality and smooth texture. It is also very resistant to friction, scratches, and UV rays, even water and dirt making it a very practical.
It is also more resistant to moisture and humidity than synthetic vegan leather is breathable. The quality is just amazing.
All sewing is done at our local workshop in Kuramae, Tokyo. From the planning stage, we have been working with craftsmen through try and error. Every detail of each item is carefully done by hand, and because of the time spent, the beauty of the seams and form of the finished product will make you feel special. You can feel the warmth of the craftsman's handiwork and the high quality of the product.
シンプルでタイムレスなデザインの2型。Adriana Bagは上品な佇まいで、細部の丸みやくぼみが体にスッと馴染む、美しいフォルムが魅力です。裏地をアクセントカラーにして少しエッジの効いた、ファッショナブルなアイテムとしてお楽しみいただけます。Soto BagにはCACTUSを連想させるカラーを取り入れました。深みのある落ち着いた緑色でカクタスレザーの良さを更に引き出してくれます。シンプルで実用性のあるショッピングバッグをレザー仕様にして上質に。
The Adriana Bag has an elegant appearance and a beautiful shape with rounded details and indentations that fit easily to the body. The Soto Bag features a color reminiscent of CACTUS. The deep, subdued green color brings out the best of Cactus leather even more. A simple and practical shopping bag with a high quality leather specification.